Thursday, May 1, 2014

Captain Hook!

Captain Hook must remember
not to scratch his toes.
Captain Hook must watch out
And never pick his nose.
Captain Hook must be gentle
when he shakes your hand.
Captain Hook must be careful
Openin' sardine cans.
And playing tag and pouring
And turning pages of his
Lots of folks, I'm glad
I ain't-
but mostly Captain Hook.

Super Kids!

 Not long ago nearly all of Fordell school (including the teachers) got involved with our Super Kids obstacle course! Every one had to plan out something they could sell for Fordell dollars and prepare it on the day. Tineisha, Gemma and I made an obstacle course with lollies, water slides and water guns and charged everyone 1 or 2 Fordell dollars. They decided if they wanted to get wet or not. We had the little kids go, then room 2 pupils and then the famous teachers. It was really fun and if you won you got a prize and a certificate. We also sold anklets, hair braids, hair chalk and get your nails painted but that didn't work out to well. Out of the day I also went and bought some sherbet, lollie cake and some lovely lemonade. The day worked out really well for us and in the end I got a soap on a dish in the auction and I am giving it to my grandma for Christmas.

P.S. I sprayed Ms Whitwell in the butt with a water gun!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Stop Horsing Around!

 Did you know that a horse called Gracie had to be cut free from a tree by a chainsaw! She was so curious and just had to stick her head between two trunks. A passer heard Gracie whinnying and went to get help. Gracie was safely removed from the tree with a few minor injuries. A few scratches on the face and ears and sadly a dislocated jaw. Now Gracie is healing happily and knows not to go sticking her head into tree.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Hit The Lights!

The music started and the curtains opened, Hit The Lights! The show had begun. I was backstage with my friend Kaia while the older kids were dancing. Sharyn Underwood had taught everyone their dances with some helpers and now we were presenting them for Wanganui. There were lots of different dances right up  until my first dance, Living your dream came up. We danced on but the lights were so bright you could not see anyone in the audience. I smiled most of the time but it was over in about 3 minutes! The interval came and we had a 15 minute break while I ate my pasta. Next we were up 1st! Shake a tail feather, my favorite dance. The lights came up and we danced. It was the most fun night I had and we got to do it again on Sunday!

P.S. Miss Whitwell sat next to my mum and dad on the first night!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hunterville Cross Country

On Friday morning on the starting line I'm having such a freak out! This was the day of the Hunterville  Cross country which is held every year and the beautiful green grass hills are used for running. My race was very long and I couldn't stop puffing! We had to run along the road, up the steep hill, over gates and fences and last of all down the muddy track. I finished with a really good place,18th with Georgina just ahead of me at 16th. All of the other competitors in Fordell got outstanding places and ran amazing races. After all the races Amelia shouted me an ice-block to cool off.

P.S. We even got a 3rd,5th and 8th place by Lauren, Tineisha and Joe in their races!  

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Interesting Factoid!

Word Facts

 Did you know that the longest word is 28 letters and 11 of then are vowels.- antidisestablishmentarianism!

Did you know that mirror has 6 letters and half of them are r's.

Race car is the same backwards!

My friend Renee has 5 letters in her name and 3 of them are E's.

Lollipop is the longest word typed only using your right hand.

The Alphabet has 26 letters with up to 6 vowels and about 20 or 21 consonants.

Netball Poem

There are 7 players in each team,
All of them,
SO busy,
shooting goals.
We play on
Saturday mornings,
But we practice
At school
On Thursday.
Our team
is great !
We listen to
the umpire
and don't mind
how puffed we get
Because that's all part
of being FIT!